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Giant Eagle gets started on Grandview Yard store with Market District-style mezzanine

By Brian R. Ball
 –  Staff reporter, Columbus Business First


So just what is Giant Eagle building at Grandview Yard?

The Pittsburgh-based grocer finally started construction on its latest store at 840 W. Third Ave. in recent weeks after delaying construction earlier this year.

Columbus building permits show the store will have 90,970 square feet on the main floor and 9,120 square feet on a mezzanine. That mezzanine space may indicate the store will join the growing list of upscale Market Districts in Columbus. The Market District in Upper Arlington where I occasionally shop has seating and communal space on a second level.

Grandview Yard developer Nationwide Realty Investors Ltd. directed questions about the store to Giant Eagle, which again stood by its marketing strategy of not commenting on its development activity prior to an opening. The building permit identifies Continental Building Systems as the general contractor.

The $13 million project, by the way, got underway about 19 months after I first broke news of the store in early 2012.